Silence penetrated the room.(沉默穿透房间)
2.Putting it back, I rode slowly on to school, numb with misery.3.She couldn’t help sobbing(忍不住哭泣), tears rolling down like a broken string of beads(一串断线的珠子).)
4.“Thats it?” Aram said, his heart sinking(他的心沉下去了).5.Sadness overwhelmed him(悲伤淹没了他)so suddenly that he couldnt think of a word to say.2、成长篇有关的高兴描写:
1.Karie grinned(grin)as she read the label on the box.2.Dad looked at the paper, with his lips curving into a smile(他的嘴唇弯成了微笑).3.Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear, a wave of happiness flooding over her(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头).4.I nodded slightly, and my daughter’s frowning face slowly broke into a smile(露出了笑容).3、成长篇有关的惭愧描写:
1.She was overwhelmed / overcome/ consumed with guilt and shame(被内疚和羞愧淹没).2.A wave of guilt swept over me(一阵恐惧向我袭来)and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late.3.Hearing their talk on the phone,I hung my head shamefully(羞愧得低下头来)with tears running down my face.4.成长篇有关的尴尬描写:
Standing frozen as ice, never had I thought about being trapped in such a dilemma that I was flooded with overwhelming awkwardness and panic(我感到无比的尴尬和恐慌).5、成长篇有关的紧张描写:
1.She told the teacher the truth , with her heart thumping / pounding/ pumping like a drum(她的心跳得像打鼓一样).2.Having paced up and down restlessly(不安地来回走动)in front of the the teachers office, she finally gathered courage and plodded in.3.Then came the moment, and with butterflies in his stomach(非常紧张), he made his way to the platform.6、成长篇有关的惊讶描写:
Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mrs Rossi froze, as if rooted on the ground(仿佛定格在那里).7、成长篇有关的感激描写:
I looked at her, tears of love and gratitude(感动和爱的泪水)welling up in my eyes.三、成长篇有关的动作描写
1.Considering there was no way to persuade my mother to let me take the watch, I decided to wait for her to step outside and slip the watch into my pocket(把手表塞进口袋).So I did.2.Karie stuffed the test paper into backpack(把试卷塞进背包里)and explained that she was just too excited.2、成长篇有关的修辞的描写:
1.The door opened and out came a very thin woman(一个很瘦的女人走出来).2.Memories flooded back.(记忆如潮水一样涌来)
3.The December morning breeze brushed my long, black hair.(抚摸我黑黑的长发)as I stepped towards the doors of Hagenberg High.3、成长篇有关的教育与成长的描写:
1.“That’s not the right way.Patience, Will.Patience,” a voice echoed in my ears(一个声音在我耳边回响)after the boys left.2.After saying that with her face flushed red(满脸通红), she handed the paper and the prize to the teacher.3.With those words, he stroke her curls affectionately(深情地抚摸着她的卷发).4.We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude(那些值得我们感恩的事情我们经常当作理所当然).5.I plucked up my courage and took my first step(鼓起勇气迈出第一步)onto the suspension bridge, then another, I inched forward, all the way holding on tight to the handrail.四、成长篇话题结尾的主题升华句
I knew for sure that every time I lost patience in the future I would remember my grandfather’s words.2.这是我第一次真正体会到这份礼物的意义——耐心。
It was the first time that I had truly realized the meaning of the gift---patience.3.It dawned on Aram that(Aram突然想到)“One should stick to his/her dream no matter what happens.”
4.Outside the bakery, the birds perching on the top of the branches chirruped happily(栖息在树枝顶端的鸟儿欢快地叽叽喳喳), as if celebrating their achievement.读后续写分话题语料库整理:动物篇
1.Her parents watched them playing around and smiled with relief(轻松地笑了)–Poppy was back to her old cheerful self!
2.I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when the door slammed and Becky rushed in, cheeks flushed with excitement(激动得面红耳赤).3.Receiving a positive answer, Sam was wild with joy(欣喜若狂)and Roland, wagging his tail merrily, as if intoxicated(好像喝醉一样).2、动物类有关的放松描写:
1.Once the helicopter landed, we got onto it in no time, excited and relieved(又兴奋又放松).2.Seeing all of these,we sighed with relief(放松地叹气), sparkles of delight arising in our faces.3、动物类有关的害怕描写:
1.Terrified(非常害怕), Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.2.Seeing the approach of the polar bear, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch(被恐惧吓呆,害怕到动也不能动).3.A numbing chill gripped me(一种麻木的寒战擢紧了我).4.Thinking of the wolf’s bloody mouth, Mac was nearly dead with fright(几乎给吓死)
5.I was seized by a strong sense of horror(被一种强烈的恐惧感所控制), my palms sweating.4、动物类有关的难过描写:
1.Feeling a little upset and furious(感到有点难过和生气), I somehow came holding a long stick, trying to drive him out.2.Immediately, I knelt down to hug him and tears began to well up in my eyes uncontrollably(眼泪无法控制地涌上我的眼眶).3.I wiped the tears from my eyes(擦掉我的眼泪), heart beating wildly.5、动物类有关的内心想法描写:
1.He knew that once he hit the hill, hed be easy caught up and the wolfs teeth would be tearing into his flesh(狼的牙齿会撕咬他的肉).2.He stood up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions(情绪)get the better of him(让他的情绪不能自制).3.It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of sharing(学习到分享的真正的教训)and witnessed the only miracle I have seen with my own eyes.二、动物类有关的动作描写
1.Having pulled the massive body out of the stump, Brian cleaned the wounds(清洁伤口)and then gave him careful treatment.Becky knelt down and tended to the wolf(蹲下来照顾狼)together with Brian.2.Using a rock as the supporting point, I unlocked the chain and set the wolf free(放走这只狼).2、动物类有关的与动物搏斗/接触的描写:
1.Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off.Not this polar bear though — he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws(用它巨大的爪子).2.So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and, through the fence, sprayed him in the face(朝他脸上喷雾).With an angry roar(吼叫), the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.3.Seeing the wolf back off(看到狼撤退), Paul quickly unlocked the door, and the frightened man climbed into the car in no time, shutting the door behind him heavily.4.Anxiously yet gently, he knelt down beside the baby fawn, carefully stretched his arms(小心伸出他的双臂), and sent the two or three tablespoons to its mouth.5.He crouched gingerly in front of the fawn(小心翼翼地蹲在小鹿面前), stretching out his hands with the water in the palms.“Drink it!” he murmured.三、动物类有关的动物神态和动作的描写:
1.As Elli and I cooked dinner, a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread(嗅着,闻着我们的大蒜面包).2.He pulled and bit the wire.He stood on his back legs(用他的后腿站起来)and pushed at the wooden fence posts.3.The bear reared up ,attacked the fence and even desired to tear down us(想要撕裂我们)with flames blazing in its eyes(怒火在他的眼里燃烧)owing to the dreadful spray.3.Then it attacked the back of Macs bike, tearing open his tent bag(撕开他的帐篷袋).4.One of Mac’s friends picked out some raw meat and threw it to the wolf.Satisfied with what he got(对他得到的很满意), the wolf ran into the woods.2、狗狗:
1.Poppy approached with caution, trying not to scare the puppy.Sure enough, it was only moments later that the ball of fur lifted its head out of the box(把它的头伸出盒子)to peep at its new home and its new friend.2.The fluffy little creature examined her new surroundings curiously, and then quickly fixed her gaze at Poppy, who was nudging her nose toward the new dog and wagging her tail vigorously(用力地摇动尾巴).3.她使劲摇晃。她高兴得叫了起来。她微笑着,舌头伸出来。
She wagged furiously.She barked with joy.She smiled, her tongue lolling out as she investigated the surprise.4.He yawned and stretched his body(打哈欠,伸展身体)as he heard the slowly approaching footsteps of Mrs.Proudfoot.“Come have your lunch dear!” said Mrs.Proudfoot with her usual fondness for him and he wagged his tail affectionately in return.5.一条厚毛黄色牧羊犬一路小跑而来,低着头,舌头耷拉着,滴着口水.尾巴懒洋洋地卷着,大声地喘着气.A thick-furred yellow shepherd dog came trotting down the road, head low, tongue lolling and dripping.Its tail limply(柔软地,软绵绵地)curled, and it panted(气喘,喘息)loudly.6.But Spotty seemed to take no notice of me and hid under my bed, his whole body trembling and his eyes full of terror and distrust(他整个身体都在颤抖,眼里充满恐惧和不信任).7.Upon seeing us, Spotty rose awkwardly to his feet(笨拙地站起来), wagging his tail and his eyes sparkling with excitement.8.Spotty looked at me, licking my cheeks as if to tell me something(舔着我的脸颊好像要告诉我什么).3、鹿:
The mother deer lowered her head and licked my boy’s cheek gently, as if expressing gratitude(低下头舔我的男孩的脸颊,好像在表达感激).4、狼:
1.So angry was the wolf that it kept roaring(那只狼的太生气了,一直咆哮)and smacking the window violently.2.Confused and frightened at my approach, the wolf backed away(逐渐后退),pilling hard on the trap chain.3.I extended my hands,and they tentatively suckled at my fingers(试探性地吮吸我的手指).4.So tender were the pups that(小狼们如此脆弱以至于)it was impossible for them to resist danger without mothers protection.5.After gaining freedom, she howled at me with her head low(低着头对我嚎叫), showing her gratitude.Then, the mother wolf led her pups to go forward, disappearing in the forest.6.All of sudden, beautiful mid-sized-pool came into my sight, with a group of wolves scattered around, licking water or lying on the grass leisurely(舔着水,或者休闲地躺在草地上).
1.Despite the chill autumn wind, their home was filled with the warmth of love and reunion(充满爱和团聚的温暖).2.The rain that came that day was a miracle(那天下的雨是一场奇迹), saving our farm, just like my boy saved a life.3.Appearing to be feeling better, the wolf slowly raised his head and gave a gentle kiss to Becky’s hand as if to express thanks(好像在表达感谢).What a warm scene!
4.Sometimes only a little kindness can ignite something shining, making the world more beautiful and harmonious(让世界更加美丽和和谐).5.Many years has passed since Spotty left us, but the valuable lesson he taught me will remain in my memory(他教给我的珍贵的教训会一直在我记忆里).五、动物类话题的短语表达
1.a pair of large watery eyes 一双水汪汪的大眼睛
2.two big round eyes 两只圆溜溜的大眼睛
3.beady/sparkling/twinkling eyes 小珠般圆亮的/亮晶晶的/闪闪发亮的 眼睛
4.a nose like a small black gem 一颗黑宝石般的鼻子
5.long/muscular/skinny/spindly legs 长的/肌肉发达的/皮包骨的/干瘦的 腿
6.fur is as white as snow 皮毛像雪一样洁白
7.a long little tail 一条长长的小尾巴
8.little ears on the top of the heard 头顶上长着对小耳朵
wag the tail 摇尾巴
smell/sniff 嗅
bark/yap/yelp 狗吠
lick 舔
put the ears up 把耳朵竖起来
shake the whole body 抖动全身
bite the corner of the coat 咬住衣角
rub their necks and backs with their paws 用爪子摩擦它们的脖子和背部
hold it tightly with the paws 用爪子紧紧按住
fall on its back 摔得四脚朝天
run around me 围着我跑
keep scratching you with his front paws 用前爪不停挠你
raise its whole body on its hind legs 用后腿支起全身
leap to its feet 跳起来
rest the nose in its paws 把鼻子搁在爪子里
1.As I floated on, a huge wave whistled(一个巨浪呼啸而来)and approached us.2.The big wind roared through our ears(在耳边咆哮), and we were pushed away from the shore farther and farther.3.he fierce waves showed no sign of dying down(没有消退的迹象).4.The sea was rough(汹涌的;风浪大的)that day and it was difficult to handle(控制)the bodyboard.2.救人有关的人文场景描写:
1.A distant sound reached our ears(传入耳朵)
2.At that moment, a shrill whistle(汽笛声)ripped the air(划破天空).3.When we were at a loss of what to do, there were rasping(刺耳的)shouts(喊叫声)rising from the distance(从远处升起).二、救人有关的情绪描写:
1.Drown in the sea, I lost my balance(失去了平衡)but seized the bodyboard tightly.2.Time passing us, tiredness engulfed(包围/淹没/严重影响)us with my feet stiff/numb(僵硬/麻木)and shivering.3.Exhausted as we were(尽管很累), we didn’t stop.Gritting out teeth, we kept swimming.4.After what seemed a century, I felt extremely fatigued(非常累)while swimming hard to keep myself afloat.5.Casting a look at Tom, I could tell he was also apparently worn-out(明显地精疲力尽了)
1.Exhausted and cold, the thought that we might die here flashed across my mind,which made me quiver with an uncontrollable terror/horror/fright(难以控制地发抖)
2.Looking at the vast sea, I felt a sense of fear surging through my whole body(在身体涌动)
3.As time ticked by, fear crept upon my heart(爬上我心头)and I could hardly tell how long I could plough on(前行).4.The thought of hopelessness sent shivers down my spine(让我后脊背发凉)
5.I was flooded with a sense of horror(被恐惧感淹没)
6.Seeing this, I felt my fear growing/increasing(剧增)inside.7.I felt a wave of anxiety(一阵焦虑)swept over my body(袭来).8.The unexpected crash left the girls in panic(陷入恐慌).3.救人有关如释重负的情绪描写
1.Ensuing their safety, I felt a surge of triumph.(感到一阵胜利的喜悦)
2.Hearing the news, I couldnt help restraining my excitement.(情难自抑)
3.On hearing the good news, Tom and I sighed in great relief(如释重负地叹了口气), grinning merrily at each other.4.Smiling in relief(如释重负地微笑), I felt a rush of pride(感到一阵自豪).5.Overjoyed(狂喜)to see a boat coming to our rescue, Tom and I breathed a sigh of relief.(如释重负地松了口气)
1.“We need to think out a way!” I muttered(喃喃自语), scratching my head.(绞尽脑汁)
2.We spared no effort to(不遗余力地)swim towards the shore.三、救人有关的动作描写:
That night, word came from the hospital that the two kids were in good condition(状态很好).2.救人有关的受伤症状描写:
1.Roy lay on the ground nearby moaning in pain(痛苦地呻吟).2.Ada saw that one of his legs was bent a little sideways(弯向一边)between the knee and the ankle.A broken(break)leg!
Sorrowful tears rolling down Roy’s cheeks, Roy let out a sudden painful moan with cold sweats on his forehead.4.His right leg was pushed under a stone.He looked weak and unconscious(虚弱无意识).3.救人有关的实施救援的过程的描写:
Nervous and anxious, Norwood struggled to calm herself down and carried out first aid to Simmons.2.诺伍德和她的朋友们把西蒙斯放到平躺的位置,打开了她的呼吸道。
Norwood and her friends laid Simmons on her back and opened her airway.似乎过了半小时,西蒙斯恢复了知觉。
3.After what seemed to be half an hour, Simmons regained her consciousness.看到西蒙斯从昏倒中醒来,诺伍德松了一口气。
4.Seeing Simmons wake up from passing out, Norwood breathed a sigh of relief.5.最终,医生赶到了,把西蒙斯送往医院。
Ultimately, doctors arrived and rushed Simmons to the hospital.6.No sooner had they finished doing that(他们一完成)than Victor came back with
Roy’s mother and a villager driving a truck following them.7.Patting their faces to wake them up, we continuously told them to be strong.After what seemed a century, I felt extremely exhausted while swimming hard to keep myself afloat(拼命游来保持浮在水面).8.Salt stinging(刺痛)my eyes, I could hardly tell how long I could hold on.But I still shouted in my head: focus.In sheer desperation(在绝望中), I finally caught sight of some boats with lifeguards on them heading towards us in the distance(在远处朝我们而来).3.救人有关的事件报道的描写:
A reporter happened to witness the scene and reported it at the local station.2.一名目击这一事件的人拍了照片并贴到了推特上。许多人都很喜欢,它大受欢迎,尤其是在西蒙的学校。
A person who witnessed this incident had photographed it and posted it on the twitter(把它发到推特上).Many likes were given and it became a hit, especially at Simon’s school.读后续写分话题语料库整理:亲情篇
“I wanted to surprise you!” he pointed at a neatly wrapped box with his eyes gleaming.2.看到他的家人围坐着,和谐地待在一起,卡特感觉到一种幸福感。(doing非谓语)
Seeing his families sitting together and staying together harmoniously, Cater felt a surge of happiness.3.欢快的歌唱飘荡在房间里,两姐妹沉浸在音乐的美中。(独立主格)
Cheerful singing floating in the room, the two sisters immersed themselves in the beauty of the music.4.一股幸福与温暖流遍全身,妈妈轻轻地亲了两个姐妹。
A surge of happiness and warmth running through her, mom kissed the two sisters gently.5.他抬起头,跑去拿来红色的小车,递给Carter,脸上展现着灿烂的笑容。
He rose his head, bounced to fetch the red car, and handed to Cater with a big smile spread across her face.2、亲情有关的紧张描写:
Soon, it was the curtain time.I peeped out at the audience and noticed that the darkened theater was full.My heart beat faster.3、亲情有关的生气描写:
He folded his fist angrily, but his younger brother waved his hands excitedly.2.Jackson试着说什么,但Carter太生气了,他一个字也听不进去。(对比,夸张)
Jackson kept saying something, but so angry was Carter that he couldn’t even hear a word.3.红色小汽车映入他的眼帘,他突然被生气和愤怒的情绪淹没。(被动)
With the bright red car coming into his sight, he was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of anger and rage.4.他从来没想过他弟弟会把他的模型车涂成红色。(倒装)
Never before in his life could he imagine that his brother would paint his model car.5.Cater咬紧牙,紧紧握住他的拳头,用难以控制的着火般的眼睛怒视着Jackson(doing非谓语)
Cater clenched his teeth and fold his fist tightly, glaring at Jackson with burning eyes out of control.4.亲情有关的内疚描写:
Thinking about what I had done to him, regret and guilt overwhelmed me like endless tides.5、亲情有关的感激描写:
如果没有亨利的帮助,我就不会顺利地完成我的演出了。But for Henry’s help, I wouldn’t have finished my performance smoothly.6、亲情有关的烦恼描写:
Watching Shirley’s smile fading away, Peter frowned(frown).二、亲情类有关的动作描写:
1.To cover his terrible action(为了掩盖他糟糕的行为,不定式作状语), the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase back to its place.2.Fearing punishment(害怕惩罚,现在分词作状语), the suddenly inspired boy said that a neighbour’s cat jumped in from the window and he couldn’t drive it away no matter how hard he tried.3.时间似乎静止了,我屏住呼吸,等待着我应得的残酷惩罚。(用系动词+ing作伴随状语 ;定语从句。
Time seemed to stop as I held my breath, waiting for the harsh punishments that I deserved.2、亲情类有关的表示道歉的动作描写
“I’m so sorry.”he said, gently petting Jackson’s head.2.Approaching his little brother(走近他的弟弟), he gently petted Jackson’s head, saying, ”I’m so sorry for losing my temper, because I preferred blue at first, but now I think red is also a good choice.”
His mother silenced him by gently putting her finger on his lips,gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.4、亲情类有关的表示帮助的动作描写
At that time, Henry, who noticed my embarrassment, came to my aid.He wiped away my tears, bent down and tied a beautiful knot.“It’s done.”
Patting me gently on my shoulder / Shrugging his shoulder, he smiled/ grinned, ”Not a problem.We are family, arent we?“
1.“But, Mum, I…”, attempting to make something clear, Ben awkwardly uttered nothing but some words(尴尬地挤出几个字).2.我想去系好带子,但是无论我怎么努力我都没办法弄好。我站在舞台上不知所措, 泪水夺眶而出.I wanted to fasten the knot, but however hard I tried, I just couldn’t make it.Standing on the stage, I was at a loss what to do next(茫然不知所措), with tears rolling down.6、亲情类有关的表示回忆的动作描写
2.At that moment, unexpectedly, the memory of the sight of Billy crying on the ground occurred to Carter, hovering in his mind and reminding him something.7、亲情类有关的动作描写
I was in my room slowly getting ready to head to the community theater with the rest of my family.I wasnt in the mood for being onstage.2.Dexter was yelling(喊叫)and waving his hands at(向...挥舞着手)his little brother.3.Dexter yelled(喊叫), gave his younger brother a hard shove(给...狠狠一幢)and knocked him to the ground(撞倒在地).三、亲情类话题的结尾句
1.From then on, the three chocolates rang the alarm in his heart every time he intended to lie, reminding him to be honest提醒他要诚实(非谓语).2.I nodded firmly, knowing a flower of kindness and friendship began to blossom(善良和友谊之花开放)in both of our hearts.3.正是亨利的善良让我感受到了我们家庭的温暖。我会用心珍惜它的。
It was Henry’s kindness that made me feel the warmth from our family.I will treasure it with all my heart.2、亲情类话题结尾的常见对话结尾
“Darling, it doesn’t matter”, Daddy said in such a warm voice that I stopped crying and lifted my head.“Its love that counts(爱更重要).”
At the same time, all of them laughed with excitement, the laughter echoing in the room(在房间里回荡).4、亲情类话题结尾的环境衬托式
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- 专题10 语言文字运用(选择题组)-五年(2019-2023)高考语文真题分项汇编(全国通用) (原卷版).docx
- 专题09 语言文字运用(选择+简答题)-五年(2019-2023)高考语文真题分项汇编(全国通用) (解析版).docx
- 专题09 语言文字运用(选择+简答题)-五年(2019-2023)高考语文真题分项汇编(全国通用) (原卷版).docx