



提货:Take delivery of cargo 加燃油:Replenish bunkers 与你方结账:Settle the account with you 向我方报价:Quote us your freight rate 运费率:Freight rate 托运单:Shipping application/booking note 航班:frequency of sailing 归因于:Be attributable to /owing to 航期Sailing scheduled 加载货:Additional cargo 随行就市:market fluctuation 另函邮寄:post under separate cover 预付运费:Freight prepaid 公会运价:Conference tariff 按期开航:Sail to schedule 亏舱:Broken space 6 绕航:Deviate 无线电医疗咨询:Radio medical inquiry 迅速遣返:swift /Speedy repatriation 自诉胸痛:Complain of chest pain 偷渡者:Stowaway 办理出境手续:Go through the exit formalities 病情趋势:Progress of illness 由„„护送:Under the escort of 根据我国法规:According to the statute of my country 转至可靠医院治疗:Refer to a reliable hospital 不适合远洋货船工作:Unsuitable for working onboard ocean vessel 防止此类事件再发生:Prevent recurrence of such incident 请把所有费用记在我公司的账上:Please charge all expenses(incurred)to my company’s account 7 扫舱:Sweep out cargo holds 改航:Divert the shipment 卸载(货)报告:Outturn report 退关货:Shut-out cargo 转船货:Transshipment cargo 绑扎和紧固:Lash and secure 克尽职责:Exercise due diligence 在规定的时间内:Within the stipulated time 符合托运人的要求:In compliance with shipper’s request 要考虑的积载因素:The stowage factor to be taken into consideration 由于我们无法控制的情况:Due to the circumstances beyond our control 使收货人完全满意:To be entire satisfaction of consignee 明显的不符合:obvious discrepancy 在本航次回航中:On the present homeward voyage 所谈及的这宗货:The parcel of cargo mentioned by 8 易腐货:Perishable goods 固有的特性:Inherent nature 装载疏忽:Negligence in stowage 原残:Original damage 虫害:Vermin infestation 声称的货损:Alleged cargo damage 工残:Stevedore damage 通风不良:Inefficient ventilation 严密的监督之下:Under the strict supervision 毫无根据的看法:unfounded viewpoint 在抢装货时:In rush loading 内容物变质:Deterioration of contents 受污染货物:Stained cargo 内容物渗漏:Leakage of contents 桶箍脱落:Hoop off 有举证责任:Bear the burden of proof 对„提出投诉:Lodge a complaint against 充足的垫席和垫货板:Sufficient dunnage mats and boards 桶塞朝上,桶腰不受压(装船法):Bung Up and Bilge Free 9

建立业务关系:Establish business relationship 港口使费:Port charges 委托代理:Appoint an agent 代理费:Agency commission 揽货:Canvass cargo 港口细则:Port particulars 检疫锚地:Quarantine anchorage 进港指南:The Guide Port Entry 保证快速交货:Assure quick delivery of cargo 熏舱:Fumigation 为您提供竭诚服务:Render you untiring services 凭港口调度意见:At the discretion of Port Operations 为进出口货载办理报关手续:

Go through the customs declaration formalities for inward /outward shipment 中国外轮代理公司业务章程:The Business Regulations of PENAVICO 定期报告船舶动态及作业计划:

Regularly report the ship’s movements and schedule of operations 10 货运单证:Shipping documents 免除公司责任:Relieve the company of responsibility 一式三份舱单:Manifest in triplicate 货物查询单:Cargo tracer

货物溢/短单:Overlanded /shortlanded cargo list 不可转让提单:Non-negotiable B/L 索赔人:Claimant 借项通知单:Debit note 保赔协会:Protection and indemnity club 不释自明:Self-explanatory 无可指责:Above/beyond reproach 货项通知单:Credit note 倒签提单:Anti-dated/back-dated B/L 已装船提单:Shipped/on board B/L 备运提单:Received for shipment B/L 海运欺诈:Marine fraud 与它的重要性不相称:Out of proportion to its importance 11 海损事故:Marine accident 能见度:Visibility 停车:Stop engine 退/涨潮:Ebb/flow tide 顺水前进:Proceed with water 过失船:Ship in the wrong 慢速前进:Proceed slowly 全速后退:Full speed astern 让路船:Burdened vessel 追越船:Overtaking vessel 操船不当:Improper manoevering 不可抗力:Force majeur 取证:Get evidence 系泊3号浮筒:Moor to buoy NO3 表示承认其责任:Acknowledge the responsibility 采取有效的行动:Take effective action 以交叉局势驶来:Coming from cross situation 12 海难:Peril of the sea 船舶保险:Hull insurance

意外事故:Fortuitous accident 额外保险:Extraneous risks 保赔协会:P&I Club 系泊浮筒:Mooring buoy 强度不足:Insufficient strength 磨损:Wear and tear 现场证据:On the spot evidence 潜在缺陷:Latent defect 折旧费:Depreciation 溢油事故:Oil spillage 与事实不符:Inconsistent with the facts 修理费账单:Repairing voucher 公平合理地解决问题:Settle the problem in a fair and reasonable way 与溢油索赔进行抗辩:Defend the claim for oil-pollution 13 租船运输:Carriage of goods under charter

回扣佣金:Address commission 订租确认书:Fixture note 租金:Charter hire 速遣费/滞期费:Despatch/demurrage(money)费率表:Tariff Laytime 装卸时间事实记录:statement of facts 供审阅:For your perusal 装卸准备就绪通知书:Notice of readiness 规定的受载期:Stipulated laydays 根据双方协议:On the basis of mutual agreement 根据租船合同:In accordance with/under the charter party 参照装卸时间表:Make reference to Time Sheet 每船的货运量:The volume to move per vessel(船方)不负责装卸/堆装费:FIOS(free in and out stowed)14 各受益方:All benefited interests 提出海事声明:Note a sea protest 有意搁浅:Voluntary grounding 单独海损:Particular average 修理单据:Repair voucher 避难港:Port of refuge 共同海损理算:G.A.adjustment 抛弃货物:Jettison of cargo 共同海损分摊:G.A.contribution 公证人:Notary public 海难救助报酬:Salvage remuneration 财产价值:Value of property 提供共同海损担保获救:Provide G.A.security “无效果-无报酬”救助契约:No cure-No pay salvage contract 15 装箱单:Packing list 索赔清单:Claim documents 权益转让书:Letter of subrogation 失职:Lack of due diligence 装/拆集装箱:Stuff/unstuff a container 分列细目:Breakdown 本行业习惯:Customs of the container 途经港:Way port 通融赔款:Compensate ex gratia 权衡利弊:Weigh the pros and cons 已成定局:The die having been cast 索赔结案书:Letter of conclusion 初步(成立)的证据:Prima facie evidence 以不妨碍(权力为限):Without prejudice “场到场”交接集装箱:CY/CY container 悬而未决的索赔:An outstanding claim 以友好的方式解决索赔:Settle a claim in an amicable way
























1.We are in the market for the men shirts illustrated in your catalogue No.4.Please quote us your lowest price with the best discount and date of delivery.2.Your counteroffer is not in line with the prevailing market.3.We wish to extend the sale of our products to your market and are now sending you our Quotation No.12 in the hope that you will recommend them to prospective buyers.4.Enclosed please find our Sales Contract No.986 in duplicate.If you find everything in order.please counter sign and return one copy for our file.5.We are pleased to inform you that 4000 dozen shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C215,L/C No.7634 have gone off on S.S.“Feng Qing”, which sailed on the 23rd of November for New York.6.Shipment is to be made in three equal lots beginning from June with transshipment at Hong Kong.7.As to partial shipment, it would be our mutual benefit if we could ship immediately whatever is ready instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed.8.The packing for Dubai is to be in cartons of 112 lbs net, each containing 7 lbs×16 packets.For Malta, we would like you to have the goods packed in double gunny bags of 50/60 kilos each.9.Full set of clean “on board” “freight prepaid“ Ocean Bill of Loading,made out to order and blank endorsed,marked:“Notify China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation,at the port of destination.”

10.We shall cover insurance for 110% of the invoice value in accordance with your request.11.Since the premium varies with the scope of insurance, extra premium is for buyer's account, should additional risks be covered.12.In view of the amount of this transaction being very small, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.13.In view of long and friendly relations we agree to accept D/P 60 days as an exception.14.In view of the amount of this transaction being very small, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.15.As regards inferior quality of your goods, we claim a compensation of USD$10,000.16.The survey report indicates that the damage to the carton and goods was due to rough handling in transit, rather than poor packing as you stated.17.We shall place a trial order with you for 500 sets provided you will give us a 5% commission.18.In reply to your enquiry dated April 28, we are now sending you our latest price list for your reference.一、中翻英(参考答案)

1.We are one of the leading/major importers of leading in/trading in/handling electronic products in this area/district, and take this opportunity to approach/ contract you in the hope of /with a view to building up /establishing/ entering into business relations with you.2.For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.3.We understand that you are exporters of Chinese Arts & Crafts.We, therefore, are taking the liberty of writing you.4.As soon as we have received your inquiry, we will immediately mail you the samples and offer you most favorable prices.5.Owing to heavy commitments, we regret that we cannot entertain/accept any fresh orders for the time being, but we will contact you by cable as soon as the new supplies come.6.Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place an order for 300,000 yards of cotton piece of goods/cotton cloth.7.We trust/ believe that you will place a large/ substantial order with us, owing to the high quality and reasonable price of our products.8.Owing to heavy bookings, we cannot accept fresh orders at present.9.We will allow/give/ grant you 10% discount, if you purchase 5000 dozens or more.10.Please quote us your best/lowest price, CIF Shanghai, including/inclusive of our 3% commission.11.We are pleased to offer you a firm offer CIF Lagos for “Forever ”Brand Bicycles.12.We are working on/executing your Order No.678 at present and please believe /be convinced that we will effect the shipment within your stipulated time.13.We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within five days.14.We have openeda confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.789 with Bank of China, Shanghai Brach for amount of US$ 10,000.00, valid for negotiation on or before August 31.15.The quantity in your L/C No.3350 does not conform to /is not in conformity with the relative contract , with a difference of £ 75.60.Please amend it as soon as possible.16.We know that it is your usual practice to cover goods at invoice value plus 10%, therefore, the extra premium will be at our cost/ for our account.17.As a special accommodation, we will accept time L/C at 30 days.18.Please see to it that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.二、英翻中(参考答案)













13.鉴于双方长期友好关系,此次我们例外接受D/P 60天付款。







P90 答:在签订合同时,没有具体规定外商提供的设备规格、型号、性能、生产国别和制造日期,当产品与口头协定的不符时,该国内用户无法向供应商要求索赔,起不到很好的法律保护作用; 也没有规定品质保证期、检验机构、检验标准和索赔期,该国内用户显然签订了对自己极为不利的合同条款,购买了没有品质保障的产品。当产品出现质量问题及需要维修时,因为没有相关的规定,该国内用户不能很好地用法律保护自己的利益。我们从中学到,签订买卖合同时,应严格考虑到多方面的问题,明确产品品名条款及质量条款等多方面的问题,充分了解对方的具体信息。在签订品名条款时应注意合理性、正确性及明确性。在签订品质条款时,应对成交商品的质量要求做出全面、确切的规定。订立严格的买卖合同,有利于更好地保护自己的利益。



P160 答:保险公司拒绝是合理的,依照国际贸易术语解释通则2010,CIF买卖双方在海上运输中的风险,是以货在装货港装上船为界限来划分的。即货物装船前的风险由卖方承担,装船后的风险由买方承担,所以货物在装船前对卖方具有的保险利益,装船之后转移到对买方具有保险利益。如上所述,不具备保险利益则得不到保险赔偿,该案中,货物损失发生在装船以前,所以保险利益归卖方,买方无保险利益,所以保险公司拒赔是有道理的。




2、答:.不能。这是因为,与UCP600不同,ISP98明确规定了每次交单均具有独立性,即受益人未能按期交单,并不影响下次交单。P253 答:(1)进口商的索赔无道理。(2)这个安全CFR条件下商品质检索赔问题,根据国际惯例,按CFR条件成交,买卖双方的风险界点在装运港的船舷,货物在越过装运港船舷以前的风险由卖方承担,货物越过船舷之后的风险由买方承担;索赔是有期限的,超过索赔期限的索赔,对方有权拒绝;索赔是要有索赔依据的,索赔的商检证书的开出地点机构应符合合同规定,否则有权拒绝。(3)结合本案例:






Ⅰ FOB 班轮条件

FOB liner term 清关

customs clearance FOB 吊钩下交货

FOB Under Tackle平舱

trim 多式联运

multimodal transport 船舷

ship’s rail 内陆水运

marine navigation on inland waterway 理舱

stowing shipping space 卸货费

discharge expense 投保

cover/procure/ effect/arrange insurance CFR 卸至岸上(含着陆费)

CFR Landed 班轮

liner ships 单据买卖

documentary sales/ buying and selling of documents CFR 舱底交货

CFR Ex-ship’s Hold CFR 班轮条件

CFR liner terms 象征性交货

symbolic delivery Ⅱ

1.Under CFR,buyer should effect insurance.2.Under CIF Ex-Ship’s Hold, the buyer should pay the discharge charges.3.Under CIF,the insured amount should be US $22000 if the contracted price is US$20000.4.Under CIP,seller has to procure insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.5.The FAS term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.6.The DEQ term requires the buyer to proceed with the customs clearance for imports and payment of all customs duty.7.Under DDP,the seller must pay the costs of customs duties as well as all duties,taxes and other official charges payable upon exportation and importation of the goods.8.Under DDU the seller must give the buyer instant notice of the shipping of the goods as well as any other notice required in order to allow the buyer to take measure.Ⅲ

1.The price quoted includes 5% commission on FOB basis.该报价为FOB 的价格并含5%的佣金。

2.Under CPT,CIP,“carrier” means any person who,in a contract of carriage,undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport,by rail,road,air,sea,inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.在CPT、CIP 项下,“承运人”指在货物运输合同中承诺通过铁路、公路、航空、海运、内河水运或多式运输等方式完成货物运输的人。

3.Under FCA,the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place.If delivery occurs at the seller’s premise,the seller is responsible for loading.If delivery occurs at any other place,the seller is not responsible for unloading.在FCA 项下,交货地的选择对货物的装船与卸载责任有影响。如果交货地基于卖方,卖方有装载责任。如果交货地在其它地方,卖方对卸载没有责任。

4.Under FOB,the seller must deliver the goods on the date or within the agreed period at the named port of shipment and in the manner customary at the port on board the vessel nominated by the buyer.And the buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment.

在FOB 项下,卖方必须在约定的日期或期限内,在指定的装运港,按照该港习惯方式,将货物交至买方指定的船只上。买方必须自货物在指定的装运港越过船舷之刻起承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。

Chapter 6

1.Sales by Seller’s/Buyer’s Sample

凭卖方样品买卖/凭买方样品买卖 2.Reference /Duplicate Sample

参考样品/副样 3.Qulity Tolerance

品质公差 4.Counter Sample


5.More or Less Clauses

溢短装条款 6.Neutral Packing

中性包装 7.Customs Formality


8.Inspection Certificate of Quality

质量检验证书 9.FDA

美国食品及药物检验局 10.Marking of Goods 商品标志 Ⅱ

1.毛重gross weight 2.理论重量theoretical weight 3.净重net weight 4.约定皮重computed tare 5.公量conditioned weight 6.单位重量unit weight 7.含水量moisture content 8.习惯皮重customary tare 9.法定重量legal weight 10.实际皮重actual tare 11.从价税ad valorem duty 12.平均皮重average tare 13.货样不符goods not equal to/in conformity with the sample 14.副产品by-products 15.国家质量监督校验检疫总局General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China Ⅲ(f)mineral ore

A.sample(a)ordinary garments


C.F.A.Q(E)Haier washing machines

D.G.M.Q(b)medical apparatus

E.famous brand(c)wheat

F.specification(g)calligraphic works

G.inspection(h)power plant generator

H.drawing or diagram Chapter 7

Ⅰ油轮Oil tanker 定程租船Voyage Charter 滚装船Ro /Ro vessel 定期租船Time Charter 载驳轮LASH(Light Aboard Ship)光船租船Bare Boat Charter(BBC)船期表sailing schedule 租船合同charter contract 滞期费demurrage charge 班轮运价表liner freight rate schedule 速遣费dispatch money 选卸附加费additional on optional 直航附加费direct additional 转船附加费transshipment surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 运输代理freight forwarder 包裹package 拼箱货LCL(Less than container load)结汇settlement 整箱货FCL(Full container load)空运单Air waybill 集装箱货运站container yard 装运通知shipping notice 处置权right of disposal Partial shipment /transshipment 分批装船/转运 Bill of lading 提单 Clean B /L 清洁提单 Order B /L 指示提单

Combined transport B /L 联合运输提单 Blank B/L 空白提单 Straight B/L 记名提单 Through B /L 联运提单 Liner B/L 班轮提单

Ante-dated B /L 倒签提单 Advanced B/L 预借提单

Consignment note 陆运或铁路运输通知 Blank endorsement 空白背书 IATA 国际航空运输协会

Combined transport documents 多式联运单据 FCL /LCL 整箱交/拆箱接 Ⅱ 1.√ 2.√ 3.√ 4.× 5.× 6.√ 7.× Ⅲ




5.集装箱的好处在于: 方便处理货物,减少盗窃,减少暴露,节约装船成本。

Chapter 8

投保人insured 共同海损general average 投保金额insured amount 外来风险extraneous risks 保险单insurance policy 推定全损constructive total lost 海上风险perils of sea 施救费用 sue and labor expenses 救助费用salvage charges 意外事故fortuitous accidents 承保人insurer 单独海损particular average 保险费insurance premium 航空运输货物战争险air transportation war risk 陆运险land transportation risks 陆运一切险land transportation all risks 估损费用risk estimation charges 航空运输一切险air transportation all risks Ocean marine insurance 海运保险 War risks 战争险 Basic risks coverage 基本险种 Insured amount 投保金额

T.P.N.D 偷盗、失窃、提货不着险 Taint of ordr 窜味险

Overland transportation insurance 陆上运输保险 Parcel post insurance 邮寄包裹保险 Free from particular average平安险 Additional risks coverage 附加险别

Fresh water and /or rain damage 淡水雨淋险 With particular average 水渍险 Ⅱ 1.√ 2.√ 3.×

4.×Special additional coverage such as war risks,strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA,WPA.(and all risks)

5.×In essence,open policy is(not)the same as the insurance certificate.6.√ 7.√

8.×Three(two)types of risks are covered by ocean marine insurance,namely the perils of sea,the extraneous risks(去掉and the force majeure).9.×Ocean marine insurance covers two types of losses,partial loss and total loss →perils of sea and extraneous risks Ⅳ



3.保险应包括水渍险、偷盗失窃及提货不着险和战争险。保险金额为CIF 价的110%。


4.仓至仓保险所承保的风险包括从货物因运输目的而离开仓库起经运输期间以及到达目的地仓库(或者到期日前15 天)为止,这段时间内产生的风险。




credit standard 远期信用证time L /C,usance L /C 通知银行advising bank 信用证有效期the maturity of L /C 交付运单delivery of B /L 支付保障条款confirmation of credit 支付结算payment and settlement 申请人与受益人applicant and beneficiary 国际保理international factoring Ⅱ irrevocable lett



第一篇:国际贸易实务与运输函电课后短语翻译4(Unit2、3、5没有)提货:Take delivery of cargo 加燃油:Replenish bunkers 与你方…