








Guangxi—A Beautiful Land of Wonders

Guangxi is a beautiful land of wonders.This fascinating land presents a landscape tapestry of amazing beauty with its mountains fantastically exquisite and peaks grotesque in shape;water crystal-clear, waterfalls spectacularly roaring down and rivers winding their way between the mountains;karstic caves in various lifelike formations;sea waves running gently and beach shining gold and silvery.Guangxi is a multinational land which is inhabited by 37 different ethnic groups, each developing its own distinct culture, nurturing a veritable “sea of songs”.Splendid costumes, sweet melodies, perse dances and unique customs in the ethnic minority communities complete a scroll painting unfolding rich folklore flavors before us.With a long-standing history, Guangxi abounds in cultural relics and historic sites.Among the highlights are the Huashan Cliff Paintings, reputed as a world masterpiece of this kind;the ancient Lingqu Canal, equally matched in fame with the Great Wall as one of the world wonders;the City of Prince Jingjiang, strongly fortified with high walls and grand gates;the Mausoleums of the Princes Jingjiang, the largest princely tomb group in China;and inscriptions on precipice, to tour which is said to be as rewarding as reading a history book.With its unique charms, Guangxi still appeals strongly to the world while developing in full swing.P5 “几程漓江水,万点桂山尖”。若没有亲历漓江,便无法真正理解这两句诗的涵意。从桂林至阳朔,约83公里的水程,实在是一条天然画廊。画廊所展示的画图,没有作者印章,没有日月年鉴,没有昂贵的标价,千帧万幅,一篇篇打开,又一篇篇收好,每一幅都是灵动授意,每一帧都是神来之笔。它们是在大地上突兀显现的神迹。

“The Lijiang River, zigzagging to the mist, unfolds thousands of peaks at the twist.” Without touring the Lijiang River by yourself, you could never fully appreciate this poem’s real meaning.Between Guilin and Yangshuo flows the Lijiang River, an 83-kilometer-long natural picture gallery.The paintings hung in this gallery bear no artist’s signature stamp, no date, no high price tags.Thousands of paintings unfold before you one by one, and then fold back again.Since every piece comes out of a great idea and turns out to be a work of inspiration, it is God’s blessings on the earth.P9 刘三姐是中国壮族民间传说中一个美丽、智慧、正义的歌仙,围绕她有许多优美动人、富于传奇色彩的故事。广西人真气派!他们截两公里的漓江水域为舞台,取12座漓江山峰和广袤天穹为布景,以河湾小岛为天然的观众席,营造了世界上最大的实景剧场。以《刘三姐》经典传说为素材的大型歌舞剧《印象·刘三姐》,在漓江演绎了一段空前的视听传奇。

Liu Sanjie or Third Sister Liu was a legendary singer of the Zhuang people, who was beautiful, wise and upright and the heroine of a great many lovely stories.Guangxi people’s ingenuity is amzing!They set up a stage with two-kilometer stretch of the Lijiang River, taking twelve hills along the river and the vast sky as its setting and river bends and islets as a natural auditorium , thus creating the world’s largest theater in the open.The theatrical spectacle, Impressions—Third Sister Liu, with materials from classical legend, offers the audience an unprecedented audio-visual enjoyment.P11 龙脊梯田方圆20平方公里,海拔最高1100米,最低300米。这种高山深谷大落差,使得龙脊梯田周边形成了高山云雾、河谷急流的壮丽景观。梯田大者不过一亩,小者仅能播上两三行禾苗,入链似带,从山脚一直盘绕到山顶,盘旋到云海之中„„


The terraced fields of Longji cover an area of 20 square kilometers.The highest terrace is at 1,100 meters and the lowest is at 300 meters above sea level.The great differential in height creates wonderful scenery around the Longji terraces, with high cloud-capped hills and surging torrents in the valleys.The larger plots cover less than one mu(1/15 hectare), and the small ones have room only for three rows of grain seedlings.Like chains or belts, they form ringlets around the mountains, running up from one level to another.Longji’s scenery changes with the four seasons but it is always like a beautiful painting, each with its own color—light green in spring, dark green in summer, golden in autumn and monochrome in winter.P13 广西处处是桂林

Places as beautiful as Guilin can be found everywhere in Guangxi.P15 广西独特的地质、环境和气候条件,造就了分布极为广阔的喀斯特地貌带。广西全境蕴藏着星罗棋布的喀斯特溶洞。


Guangxi’s special geology, environment and climate brought into being its karst topography, which is widely distributed across the region.Along with the karst landforms are karstic caves scattered across Guangxi.Let’s unveil the underground paradises one after another: Seven Star Cave, Reed Flute Cave, Yiling Cave, Dule Cave, Hat Cave, Fengyu Cave, Daffodil Cave, Goulou Cave, etc.Some are measurelessly deep and long, some are winding like a maze, and some link into the underground rivers, all bearing their own uniqueness.As for the rock shapes in the caves, they are too fantastic for words.P17 壮族是中国少数民族中人口最多的民族,现有人口约1700多万。



左江崖壁画是著名的古代文化遗产之一。崖壁画群分布在左江流域约200公里长的山崖上。至今已发现崖壁画280多组,以宁明县花山崖壁画最为壮观,崖 壁画的图像主要是人物,也有一些似狗、似马、似飞禽之类的动物,还有像铜鼓、铜锣之类的圆圈。崖壁画所反映的内容或象征意义,与壮族先民的宗教、生产、战争有关,图像之大,作画地点之险要世所罕见。



The Zhuang, with a population of over 17 million, form the largest ethnic group in China.The Zhuang are song-loving people.On the third day of the third lunar month every year, songs permeate through every part of the Zhuang communities—in cities, grasslands, mountains and fields.It is a great opportunity to enjoy their profound culture and unique customs.Besides singing, the Zhuang are also adept at painting, dancing and embroidery.The Zuojiang River Cliff Painting groups are a famous ancient cultural relic.They are spread on cliffs, stretching as long as 200 kilometers along the Zuojiang River.So far 280 groups of paintings have been discovered, the Huashan Cliff Paintings in Ningming County being the most splendid.The images are mainly human figures, plus animals in the shape of dogs, horses or birds, and drum-shaped and gong-like circles.The cliff paintings embody the religion, livelihood and wars of the ancient Zhuang people.Painting such big images on such verticle precipices is rare in the world.The beautiful brocade and the silk ball used to convey emotions are cultural symbols unique to the Zhuang.Zhuang brocade is a kind of colorful textile, woven with cotton yarn and floss.It is one of the four famous brocades of China.P21 兴安灵渠始建于公元前220年,是世界上最古老的运河之一。灵渠全场34公里,把长江与珠江两条水系连接在一起,促进了广西与中原经济和文化的交流。中国著名历史学家郭沫若对此曾这样评价:“2000余年前已如此,诚足与长城南北相呼应,同为世界之奇观。”

The Lingqu Canal in Xing’an, constructed around 220 BC, is one of the oldest canals in the world.The 34-kilometer-long waterway linking the two major water systems of the Yangtze and Pearl rivers has helped promote economic and cultural exchanges between Guangxi and the Central Plains.Guo Moruo, a renowned Chinese historian of the 20th century, commented that the canal “played such a great role 2,000 years ago that it could rank alongside the Great Wall in northern China as a wonder of the world.”

P23 左江斜塔又名归龙、水宝塔。塔身倾斜度为4°24’64”,倾斜方向为西南偏西52°16’30”,据专家考证是工匠在建造时考虑到江心风力和地基等因素精心设计而成。宝塔依山顺势,造型和谐,自建成至今历时300多年,屡遭洪水冲刷,风吹雨打,依然屹立不倒。

The Leaning Tower of Zuojiang is also called Guilong(Subduing the Dragon)and Shuibao(Water Treasure).The tower slants 4°24’64”and leans 52°16’30”toward the southwest.The angle, accoring to experts, was carefully designed by the builders taking into consideration the wind from the river and the rock foundation.The tower has endured more than 300 years of floods, rain and wind, and still stands solid and sturdy today.P25 真武阁建于1573年,该阁通体都是杠杆式纯木结构,用近3000条铁黎木做构件,以杠杆结构原理,串联吻合,彼此扶持,相互制约,合理协调地组成了通高13.2米、宽13.8米、进深11.2米的歇山顶三重檐阁楼体,堪称建筑结构的一绝。

The Zhenwu Pavilion was built in 1573.This wooden structure is constructed on the basis of lever principle and employs 3,000 pieces of Ceylon Ironwood timber for interconnected bracing.With a saddle roof and three layers of eaves, the 13.2-meter-high and 13.8-meter-wide pavilion is indeed a masterpiece of architectural engineering.P26 桂林拥有自隋朝至民国的摩崖石刻近3000件,提名、题记、诗词、歌赋、铭文等不一而足。这些石刻以灵活多样的社会文化为主体,浓缩了上千年的历史,再现了当时的社会风貌,弥补了史书记载的不足,具有重要的历史、科学和艺术价值。


Guilin has, on the precipices, nearly 3,000 pieces of engraved autographs, remarks, poems and inscriptions left behind from the Sui Dynasty.These historical relics record society and life in ancient China, filling in many gaps in the history books.They are of great historical, scientific and artistic value.Built in 1393, the Mansion of Prince Jingjiang once was a stately residential complex of Prince Jingjiang of the Ming Dynasty and now is an outstanding example of Guangxi’s cultural relics.Its entrance and walls, and the Chengyun Gate and the Chengyun Hall along the central axis, together with its auxiliary buildings, form a miniature “Forbidden City”.P29 在广西没我们还到了滨海城市北海、钦州和防城港。



In Guangxi, we also visited some coastal cities including Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang.When Beihai is mentioned, people always associated it with lustrous pearls, beautiful beaches, traditional fishing villages, and mermaids in legends….This coastal city lies on the southeast shore of Guangxi, at the northeast corner of the Beibu Gulf.Though in remote area, it is quite famous: as early as 2,000 years ago, Beihai was one of China’s earliest trading ports, and was a starting point for the Silk Road on the sea;it has a beautiful silver beach praised as “China’s best beach,” and is a great seaside resort.P29 涠洲岛距北海36海里,面积25平方公里,是中国最大最年轻的火山岛,素有“大蓬莱”仙岛之称。


Weizhou Island, 36 sea miles from Beihai, is called “Great Penglai,” a legendary fairy island in the East China Sea.With an area of 25 square kilometers, it is China’s largest and youngest volcanic island.The sea is so limpid that corals and other sea creatures are clearly visible.Thick vegetation covers the island and blossoming flowers and fruits give off sweet aroma all the year round.It is also an ideal place for angling, swimming, ping and collecting shells on the beach.P31 在广西,可与北海银滩媲美的是防城港的金滩。


In Guangxi, only Fangcheng’s Gold Beach is comparable with the Silver Beach of Beihai.This alluring beach has been thus described, “the beach is where you can enjoy the marvelous scenes of high sky, vast sea, white waves and golden sand.Fishing boats break the waves, seagulls soar in the sky.Beautiful views unfold along miles of sand, miles of causeway and miles of woods.In the distance, an island stretches east to west, like a long zither across green velvet, the seawaves around playing eternal music for it.”

P32 在钦州三娘湾旅游景区的东侧海域,常年生活着一群颜色各异、大小不一的海豚。白海豚属鲸豚类,是世界范围内最为濒危的一类海洋哺乳动物,也是中国海洋鲸豚中唯一的国家一级保护动物,人们称之为“海上大熊猫”。又因白海豚对海洋水质环境十分敏感,被环保学家视为衡量海洋生态环境的活指标。

In the eastern sea of the Qinzhou Sanniang Bay Scenic Area live schools of dolphins of various colors and sizes.The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin belongs to the cetacean family and is a severely endangered aquatic mammal.It is the only one of China’s cetaceans under first-class state protection.People refer to it as “the panda of the sea.” As the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is very sensitive to sea water quality, environmentalists regard it as a living benchmark of marine ecology.P33 2003年10月8日,中国总理温家宝在第七次中国与东盟(10+1)领导人会议上建议,从2004年起,每年在中国广西南宁举办中国—东盟博览会,作为推动自由贸易区建设的一项实际行动。这一建议得到各国领导人的普遍欢迎,并写入会后发表的主席声明。


At the Seventh China-ASEAN Summit on October 8, 2003, Premier Wen Jiabao proposed that the China-ASEAN Exposition be held annually in Nanning as an act to promote the development of the Free Trade Area.This proposal was widely accepted by the ASEAN leaders and was written in the Chairman’s Statement which was published after the Summit.Centering on the Framework Agreement on C


